I feel honored to have this life. At least for today.
What's so good? Grow up. Be brave!
Setelah cukup lama berpikir dan merasakan banyak hal yang mungkin kurang nyaman, setidaknya kali ini aku menemukan tempatku.
Hal yang tak bisa kulakukan saat kecil adalah bekerja. Dengan bekerja aku bisa mendapat hasil dan membeli apa pun yang kuinginkan. Dari situ aku bisa lakukan apa pun yang kumau.
For example: Play games..
Are you kidding? All kids are always playing games.
Yeah, but not me.
Ketika kecil aku selalu berharap agar aku segera tumbuh. Aku ingin seperti mereka bisa melakukan ini itu. Seakan tidak ada lagi larangan dari ayah atau ibu. Tak harus tidur siang, belajar, langsung pulang usai sekolah.
Bukan berarti masa kecilku tak bahagia, aku hanya tak main game dengan bebas. Di saat murid lainnya bersaing di dunia game, ke warnet, beli PS atau lainnya, aku tak pernah ikut. Bukan karena tak suka, yah, karena kondisi, aku harus rajin belajar, game hanya habiskan uang jajan, dan yeah, umumnya anak sekolahan, hampir semuanya boneka orang tua mereka.
Are you happy now? Of course.
I can earn many friends and money :'D
I use my own money (not parents's money), then I can get more money from it.
So, it's all about money? Of course not.
I'm happy because of all connections.
Connect to international friends, fantasy, love, fun environment, time, and financial too.
I get a lot of free time to enhance my skills, I can learn manythings that I couldn't in the past times.
Games, music, video, arts. All things that make me alive. So It feels like I found my self. What's make me happy. What's make me feel comfort.
There's no anything to be afraid of. Everything's okay even it doesn't bring money. The moment I can be my self, forget everything. Draw manythings, create a lot of beautiful things, write many love stories. When everyone finally can accept my true color.
Yeah, I'm Lortfa after all. I'm not super good. Mastering nothing. But I'm a happy girl right now.
See...being an artist is not a hopeless thing. It's a perfect hobby.
Wait, what are you talking about? Being gamer? Artist? or else?
All connected, right? :)
The main point is, just be happy being your self. ^^
Keep fighting! Don't give up!
What? To be yourself but you said you are Lortfa?
Yeah, it's my avatar and they know it anyway.
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